Orchard Park Co-op FAQs

Here are a few of the most common questions from parents and prospective families:

What are the school hours?

Our classes run from 9:15am-12:00pm.

When does the school year run?

We follow the Orchard Park school district calendar. When the district is closed for a holiday or break, school is closed as well. We also close when the district has a snow day. If the district has a 2 hour delay, we are closed for the full day. We are open for classes when the district has Superintendent Days scheduled unless noted on our Co-op school calendar.

Our school year begins on the Monday after Labor Day and our school year concludes the week of Memorial Day.

What credentials do your teachers have?

We pride ourselves on the fact that all of our teachers are degreed teachers with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

When is registration?

Registration begins the first week of February for the following academic year.

Is there an Open House?

Yes! We hold an annual open house in early February. It’s a great opportunity to see our school and meet our teachers. You do not need to register to attend open house. Children are always welcome!

Can I tour the school?

Absolutely! A tour can be scheduled at any time throughout the year. Children are always welcome. To set up a tour, contact our director at director@opcoop.com.

Where are you located?

Our physical address is 4369 S Buffalo St, Orchard Park, NY 14127. We are located inside (though are not otherwise affiliated with) the Orchard Park Presbyterian Church.

Do classes have age requirements?

Each class has an age requirement that is strictly followed. No exceptions are made to this policy.  

3 year old Classes: Child must turn 3 by December 1st of the academic year.

4 year old Class: Child must turn 4 by December 1st  of the academic year.

4+ Class 5-day Program: Child must turn 4 by May 1st  prior to the start of the academic year (turning 5 during the school year).

4+ Class 3-day Option: Child must turn 4 by August 1st prior to the start of the academic year.

Do you follow a specific curriculum?

As a private preschool, we have flexibility to design our own unique curriculum for each class to keep us working towards our intended educational outcomes.  Our motto is “Learn by Doing.” The school is built on the educational principal of a developmentally appropriate curriculum. That means that children are taught through methods that provide the best opportunities for learning at their stage of development. Our classrooms are arranged in learning centers, and instruction is reinforced with hands-on experiences that promote meaningful participation at each child’s level. Developing reading and math skills and understanding natural world are part of each day’s lessons through both instruction and play. Our students leave school with the skills and knowledge they need for kindergarten academics and with a love of learning that goes far beyond.

What is co-oping (participating)?

If you choose to be a co-oping family, you are required to help out in your child’s classroom approximately once a month. When it is your turn to co-op, you should arrive no later than 9:05. The teacher will give you instructions for the day such as helping out with a craft or activity, cleaning up, setting up snack, and supervising the children. It’s a great opportunity to see what your child does while he/she is at school!

Co-oping is not a requirement. If you are unable to co-op, another family member such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or even a nanny/babysitter can co-op in your place.

What are the class sizes?

Our 3 year old and 4 year old classes are limited to 12 students each. Our 4+ class can have up to 18 children on combined days (Mon/Wed/Fri) with two teachers, and 12 students on extension days (Tues/Thurs) with one teacher and one TA.

Does my child need to be potty trained?

Yes, however, we understand that our youngest learners in the 3 year old classes might have the occasional accident. If this happens a parent or named care giver will be contacted and asked to come in and change your child. If there are frequent accidents you may be asked to send your child to school in a pull up. Diapers are not permitted and will not be changed. 

What is included in my tuition?

Tuition includes all school supplies, field trips, and daily snacks.

What is the volunteer requirement?

We require all parents to volunteer for at least 1 event during the year. We have several events throughout the year such as classroom clean up, playground improvement, and 1-2 fundraisers (such as a meat raffle and/or chicken barbeque).

Will my child take field trips?

Each class takes a field trip about once a month. Our classes visit places such as fire stations, police stations, garden centers, parks, farms, yoga studios, the aquarium, and the zoo. You are responsible for transporting your child to and from all field trips. Your child’s admission is covered in your tuition. For some field trips, there will be a nominal fee for parents and siblings who wish to attend. On occasion we ask that no siblings attend for specific field trips. This is dependent upon the location and activity of the trip.

Can we celebrate my child’s birthday?

We would love to celebrate your child! Unfortunately we cannot accommodate a full scale party, but you may bring in a special snack that day!

What is Mother’s Day Out?

Mother's Day Out is an unaffiliated program offering  a less structured play school for toddlers, 1- to 3-days a week. Learn more at www.facebook.com/opmdo/  Our programs often do complement one another!

What is Camp Lunch Bunch?

Camp Lunch Bunch is not being offered at this time. Camp Lunch Bunch was an optional program that ran for 3 weeks immediately following the end of the school year. It followed the same time frame as our regular class day; 9:15am-12:00pm. The first day of Camp Lunch Bunch was the Tuesday following Memorial Day. All ages could come together for crafts, games, scavenger hunts, play, and lunch! Children brought a towel and a lunch and eat outside toward the end of the day. Teachers and teacher assistants alternated days so children might meet some new faces. We may offer this again in the future to meet demand and if/when staff schedules allow.

What is your Covid-19 policy?

We follow the CDC guidance and adjust our policy in alignment with changes to those guidelines.