The Co-Op Difference

What it means to
join a “Cooperative” preschool

Parent Volunteering is a cornerstone of the co-op structure — in a co-op setting, parents get to be an active part of their child’s learning experience. You may choose to participate by volunteering in the classroom, which results in some cost savings on your tuition bill ("participating" rate), or if your schedule doesn't allow for regular volunteering, there are opportunities to get involved by being a part of the Board of Directors, which runs every aspect of the preschool, or even by participating in events and attending field trips. This opportunity for greater involvement in our children's early education years is a primary driver for most of our families who choose to be a part of the Co-op community.

The Board of Directors is run by parents of currently enrolled students. Learn more about being a member of the Board by contacting our current President.

The Orchard Park Cooperative Education Program

The Orchard Park Cooperative Preschool offers three different programs for children ages three through five years

All of our programs are similarly structured. Each level uses a theme based approach for teaching in which the focus of the lesson is developed through an array of picture books, direct instruction, art projects, math work, music, games, and field trips. The children learn through many approaches as they move from one learning center to another, playing and exploring at their own pace.

All classes run from 9:15 AM to 12:00 PM. 

We follow the Orchard Park School District holidays and weather-related closings.

Tuition rates can be found on our registration page.

3 Year OId Class

Each class is staffed by one degreed teacher and one teacher assistant. The Three Year Old Class accepts children who will be three by December 1st of the academic year of enrollment. The Three Year Old program has a two-day option and a three-day option.

4 Year Old Pre-Kindergarten Class

This class is staffed by one degreed teacher and one teacher assistant. The Four-Year Old Pre-Kindergarten Class meets three mornings a week and accepts children who will turn four by December 1st of the academic year of enrollment

This program is a Pre-Kindergarten program intended for 4 year olds preparing for Kindergarten the following year and for younger 4 year old students that may choose our 4+ class the following year before starting Kindergarten.

4+ Pre-Kindergarten Class

This program is intended to bring together our older 4 year olds and younger 5 year olds preparing to enter kindergarten the following fall. Parents can choose the 5-day a week program or the 3-day a week option.

Parent participation for 4+ is limited to field trips and special projects; there is no co-oping option.


For families interested in the Co-op’s beloved 4+ program, this 5-day program is exactly what you are looking for!

Intended for older 4 year olds and 5 year olds preparing to enter kindergarten in fall of the following year. To be eligible for the 5-day  4+ program, your child must turn 4 by May 1st prior to the start of the academic year (turning 5 during the school year).

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, students registered for the 5-day program will be joined by students registered for the 3-day option, in a program designed to bring together all of our students preparing to enter kindergarten the following fall. This combined class is led by 2 teachers and 1 TA with a total of 18 students.

On Tuesday and Thursdays, students registered for the 5-day program will have a smaller class setting of 12 students led by 1 teacher and 1 TA. Students in this smaller group will gain additional kindergarten readiness preparation.


Students in this group will gain kindergarten readiness preparation 3 days a week, in a shared classroom with the 4+ class listed above. This combined class is led by 2 teachers and 1 TA with a total of 18 students.

To be eligible for the 4+ 3-day option, your child must turn 4 by July 1st prior to the start of the academic year.

Program Goals

The emphasis of all the programs is on the whole child which includes much more than academic learning alone. Every program is designed to strengthen social skills with adults and other children, enrich and develop a feeling for music, build physical strength and control, and instill a love of learning that will support all future schooling. All of these goals are fostered within a nurturing environment of exploration, expression, and enthusiasm.

Academic Curriculum

We instill an enjoyment of books, develop ability to discriminate by sight, touch, sound, recognize shapes and begin counting.

Physical Activity

Our children gain general coordination of movement, do age-appropriate puzzles, string beads, place pegs, and hold pencil correctly.

Social Development

They will learn to function as part of a group, share, take turns, follow routines like cleaning up, and gain independence in self-help.